I am happy…

There are stars in the sky and moon to light the night. And I am in debt of everyone who has made this world a little bright.

There are stars in the sky tonight.

I am happy. I don’t know why? I just am. And there are no ifs or but to this happiness. It’s just plain and unadulterated happiness. A pure joy.

I haven’t felt like this in days. I used to. But then somewhere between me transcending to my teens from my childhood, this happiness got lost between my insecurities, misunderstandings and all the bullshit drama an average teen goes through.

And as I am feeling this feeling again I am afraid, afraid of losing this thing. I am scared. I don’t want to feel like I have felt during last few years again. I am afraid.

I just want someone to hold my hand and tell me that they won’t let me get lost like that again.

I want to be happy. I want to remain happy. I don’t want to lose again. Lose from depression, anxiety or nervousness.

So please anyone just stay, stay with me. Hold my hand and tell me that everything will be ok.

Will you? Please.

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